Risk Management Luncheon – Sydney, NS


Insurance and risk management are important issues for every business and organization.

Join us for the real facts at a special luncheon for co-operatives and non-profit organizations.

Co-op and Community Guard offers affordable coverage for your co-op or non-profit organization, designed for liability, property damage, Group Benefits and more.

These products and their associated training and support are the only ones of their kind in Canada, and demonstrate the Co-operators ongoing commitment to supporting our communities.

Don’t miss an intimate talk on Co-op Guard and Community Guard with The Co-operators. An insurance program specifically designed for co-ops and non-profits, by a co-op.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

12:00 pm

Executive Boardroom
Holiday Inn Sydney

No charge

Space is limited. Don’t miss this opportunity. Register by emailing curtis@novascotia.coop by Monday, October 27th.